The sheer number of homeschoolers. That’s what impressed me most the first time I attended my state homeschool convention. Others, like me! Filling an entire convention center! That alone helped me know I was not the only one on this journey. There are other families like us – and lots of them! (There’s my family […]
Search Results for: continuing education at GHEA
Tapestry of Grace at GHEA Convention
This weekly wrap is posted early because this homeschool mama is off at the Georgia Home Educators Association at the Georgia International Convention Center. (I’m in booth #311 if you can stop by!) Hodgepodgedad and our two middle schoolers will get to join me tonight. We’re looking forward to hearing Ken Ham of Answers in […]
How Are You Qualified to Be a Homeschool Teacher?
How are you qualified to be a homeschool teacher? This highly educated man looked me straight in the face and asked his pointed question. His rimmed glasses balanced just slightly down on his nose. “How are you qualified to be a homeschool teacher?” he asked. Immediately my defensiveness swelled. The protective mother and ‘how dare […]
Homeschool Graduation Favorites
What a privilege to watch our eldest graduate from high school! It’s a day we’ve long anticipated in our homeschool but it always seemed so far off on the horizon. This past senior year, however, things sped along. I thought I’d share some suggestions, some successes and definitely some homeschool graduation favorites – in case […]
Winter Family and Homeschool Fun Around Atlanta
An update on all the winter family fun around Atlanta – for you! Homeschool days, low cost and educational fun. With a peek at spring time too! Snow Mountain at Stone Mountain Snow? in Georgia? Yes! November 22, 2014 – February 22, 2015 (Select Dates) Spend a fun-filled day playing across five football fields of […]
Tapestry of Grace and History Revealed?
It’s the time of year when I get questions on curriculum choices! I love to talk curriculum. And today I am sharing a question Holli asked about the homeschool resources Tapestry of Grace and Answers in Genesis: History Revealed. It’s a post I’ve promised for a while. Hi Tricia, Q: I really wanted to ask […]
Rod and Staff English
My friend Lauren sent me a question about Rod and Staff English. We do dearly love Rod and Staff English and have now officially used every year available – from 2nd grade to 10th! I asked Lauren if I might share our discussion here, in case others are considering Rod and Staff for their homeschools. […]
The Many Resources of Homeschooling
I’ve just tucked in Littlest Girl and am about to close her door. “Wait! Mama!” she cries urgently. “Tomorrow, can we study the brain? Because I just need to know about what all is up there.” Yes… (Resources pictured above: laptop, Tapestry of Grace Writing Aids, high school student planner, high school Apologia marine biology […]
What is Dew Learning?
“With Jesus Christ at the center, our aim is to shape both minds and hearts in his image.” ~This is a sponsored post. See full disclosure policy for more details~ The iPad is a homeschooling tool in our home in many ways. We use apps to supplement and enrich various subjects. Not long ago, my […]
Celebrating School Year Finishes
This week was all about finishing the homeschool year well. And that means celebrating! We are blessed with opportunities both at church and through our homeschool group. (above – Hymn ‘n M trophies awarded for hymn memorization throughout the year.) Children’s Choir Three of our children were in the church choir Spring Sing! The annual […]
Helpful Habits
Habits For the School Day: Helpful Homeschool Habits for Multiple Ages Practical Prayer Housekeeping Habits (service opportunities, jurisdictions, 5 minute room rescue) Before 8:45 Checklist Little Ones First Morning Room Time How Morning Room Time Builds Learning Skills for Later Just The Basics Make Supper at Lunch One More Thing After Lunch Afternoon Quiet Time […]
10 Days of Lasagna Learning: Teaching Multiple Ages
If ever there was a week that was an example of homeschool lasagna learning, it was this. Lasagna learning being layers and levels of different ages, all together. The spices of learning all blending and complementing. Take Columbus. I read this book from our Tapestry studies to the age range (pictured at top). We just […]
Helpful Habit – Morning Room Time
Continuing to share the basic habits that bless our homeschool. Last week, I shared our Before 8:45 Checklist habit. Morning Room Time is the habit that blesses all ages. It’s how I can be in two places at once! Both helping our littlest ones and helping the older ones with math. It’s the answer to […]